Program Overview
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As a graduate from the Bachelor of in Pedagogy you will have solid theoretical and methodological bases to analyze, develop, and evaluate policies, study programs, innovative projects, and resources in formal and informal education systems. Starting from the characteristics of groups, contexts, resources, and objectives you will improve educational quality and maintain a global and sociocultural vision manifested in responsible, ethical, inclusive, respectful, and committed behavior, thus benefiting society.

Once you have finished your study program, you will have a bachelor´s degree in addition to a licenciatura degree. Therefore, your studies will be recognized worldwide.

To help in your education, at the Licenciatura in Political Science we have proposed the following goals:

  • Develop your skills and knowledge to carry out actions that promote significant learning.
  • Prepare you to build knowledge and equal access to education.
  • Train you to make decisions, starting from participative, consulting, scientific, ethic, and multidisciplinary approaches.
  • Encourage your ability to analyze the evolution and mobility of employment in the education field.
  • Teach you to participate actively in the process of construction of knowledge in your professional practice.
  • Interested in learning the four pillars that make up education: learn to learn, learn to be, learn to do, learn to coexist.
  • Disposition to dialogue in educational environments.
  • Willing to work for the greater good and to be successful.
  • Determined to achieve goals through learning.
  • Competent in drafting education plans and projects, considering the complexity of human, institutional, sociocultural, and political factors, to attend the needs of formal and informal systems, both on line and in person.
  • Masters the design of educational proposals that are innovative, pertinent, and feasible, through the analysis of current educational problems and in concert with the challenges of a global world.
  • Knows the principles of planning, strategy, and teaching resources and uses them in formal and informal systems, elaborating didactic planning models that contribute to achieving objectives.
  • Able to evaluate policies, study programs, projects, resources, education agents, and teaching and learning systems, in formal and informal systems, through relevant and feasible performance indicators to aid in decision-making and improve educational quality.
  • Able to handle conflicts related to managing centers, institutions, and resources using communication strategies and effective interactions to promote teamwork.
  • Skilled in designing counseling and orientation strategies for individuals, groups, and organizations through the analysis of their characteristics, contexts, and resources in order to improve education.
  • Competent in the application of ICT tools in formal and informal systems through specialized software to develop learning experiences, either onsite or online.
Check the previous academic program: Program 2012
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